Artificial Intelligence: Types, Progress, Ethics and Philosophy

I would like to share about the Types, Progress, Ethics and Philosophy of AI. Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence of machines, unlike the natural intelligence shown by humans and animals, which holds emotionality and awareness.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

  1. AGI – Artificial General Intelligence
  2. ANI – Artificial Narrow Intelligence

1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) or Weak AI

ANI implements a limited part of brain, can focus only on one task at a time. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are the main components of ANI.

An artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) is a type of machine learning algorithm that is specifically designed to operate on a limited domain of knowledge. ANI algorithms are designed to be good at a particular task, such as image recognition or natural language processing, but they are not designed to generalize to new tasks. This makes them much more efficient and effective than general AI algorithms, but also limits their abilities.

These are AI that do one thing such as:

  • Chat-bot
  • Smart speaker
  • Self-driving car
  • AI to do web search
  • AI applications in farming or in a factory

Important note:

These types of AI are one trick ponies but when you find the appropriate trick, could be incredibly valuable.

2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

This AI model could behave like the same as human beings and animals. It is primary key of all AI research and a common topic in future studies and science fiction.

  • That is the goal to build AI
  • Could do anything a human can do
  • Maybe even be super-intelligent
  • Could do even more things than any human can have capacity.

Isaac Asimov, an American author and professor of biochemistry, once said that “the saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” The development of artificial intelligence (AI) is a perfect example of this statement. Science has created machines that can learn and process vast amounts of data much faster than any human ever could.

However, as our society has yet to figure out how to effectively deal with issues like unemployment and wealth inequality, it’s uncertain if we will be able to handle the massive societal changes that artificial intelligence will bring.

As AI gets better and better at completing more complex tasks, it will likely begin to take over jobs that are currently done by human beings. This could lead to mass unemployment, as machines will be able to do the job faster and more efficiently than any human ever could. Not only would this cause huge financial problems for the unemployed workers, but it would also lead to an inequality of wealth, as the people who own the machines would become much richer than the people who don’t.

Some people believe that artificial intelligence will eventually become so advanced that it will be able to do anything a human can do. In this scenario, humans would become obsolete and our society would be replaced by a world of machines. While this outcome is possible, it’s also possible that artificial intelligence will simply become another tool that humans can use to make their lives easier.

In this scenario, humans and machines would work together to create a better world for everyone. The future of artificial intelligence is uncertain, but it’s clear that it will bring massive changes to our society. It’s up to us to decide if these changes will be for the better or for the worse.

Progress in ANI vs AGI

The rapid progress in ANI has caused people to conclude that there’s a lot of progress in AI, which is true. But that has caused people to falsely think that there might be a lot of progress in AGI as well which is leading to some irrational fears about evil clever robots coming over to take over humanity anytime now.

The rate of progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial general intelligence (AGI) depends on many factors, including the resources invested in research and development, the rate of innovation, and the degree of collaboration between researchers. However, overall, AI has progressed faster than AGI to date.

One reason for this is that AI has been applied to specific tasks or problems, such as image recognition or playing chess, while AGI would need to be able to solve a wide range of problems, including those that are currently unsolved. Additionally, AI has so far mainly been used for decision-support and task-specific activities, whereas AGI would need to be able to plan, reason, and learn autonomously. However, there is reason to believe that AGI is gradually catching up to AI.

In recent years, there has been a surge in artificial intelligence research, and this is also starting to be applied to AGI-type problems. Additionally, the development of novel AI architectures and algorithms, such as deep learning, is helping to close the gap between AI and AGI. As a result, it is likely that the rate of progress in AGI will gradually start to overtake the rate of progress in AI in the coming years.

There are many aspects to artificial intelligence, and the field is advancing rapidly.

Some key recent advances include:

  1. Machine learning algorithms that can learn from data to improve performance over time, without being explicitly programmed.
  2. Natural language processing that can understand human language and responds in a way that is natural for humans.
  3. Development of powerful new hardware architectures, such as GPUs and TPUs, that are specifically designed for accelerating AI applications.
  4. Advances in character recognition and image processing that allow machines to interpret images and videos with increasing accuracy.
  5. Increased use of reinforcement learning, which allows machines to learn autonomously by trial and error.
  6. Progress in algorithms for planning and navigation, which allow robots to move around in the world and interact with their surroundings.
  7. Development of autonomous cars and other robots that can navigate and interact with the world without human intervention.

Achieving AGI Will Take Time

AGI is an exciting goal for researchers to work on, but it requires many technological breakthroughs before we get there and it may be decades or hundreds of years away.

Ethics and Philosophy

As artificial intelligence begins to play an increasingly large role in society, it becomes increasingly important to ask questions about the ethical implications of its use. What are the responsibilities of those creating AI systems? What are the rights of those AI systems come into contact with? What kind of world do we want AI to help create?

These are just a few of the questions that ethicists and philosophers of AI are grappling with. One issue that has come to the fore is the question of control. Who should be in control of AI systems? The people who created them? The people who use them? The people who are impacted by them? This is an important question, as the answer has far-reaching implications for the kind of world we want to live in.

Another issue is the question of consciousness. What makes a machine conscious? Is it simply the ability to learn and adapt? Or is there something more? If machines are capable of experiencing consciousness, what rights should they be granted? And what ethical considerations should be taken into account when creating machines that are conscious? These are just a few of the questions that ethicists and philosophers of AI are asking. As AI becomes increasingly important in society, it is important that we grapple with these questions and come up with answers that reflect our values.

Three philosophical common questions always raise related to AI:

  1. Is artificial general intelligence is possible; if there are hard limits to what a machine can achieve. Whether a machine can have ability to solve any problem that a human being can also solve using intelligence.
  2. Are intelligent machines dangerous; how humans can ensure that machines behave ethically to use them in proper ethical approach.
  3. Whether a machine can have a brain, feelings and sentimental states in the same sense that human beings have; if a machine can have these abilities then they deserve certain rights, and if a machine can purposefully cause harm.


There are a few different types of artificial intelligence, and the type that is developed depends on the purpose for which it is being created. There have been big advances in artificial intelligence in the past few years, but there are still many ethical and philosophical questions that need to be answered before it can be fully embraced.

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